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Funny, Sweet Artist seeks bodybuilder
Év 36 Honnan való? Milton, Florida - Elérhető - 2 héttel ezelőtt
Férfi keres Hölgyet

Általános adatok

Idegen nyelvek:  
If there’s one look I get most often when meeting a person, it’s one of surprise. I’m not always necessarily certain what people expect of me on first sight, but it never really seems to be what they actually get. I’m not the most socially outgoing person you’ll ever meet in public situations, and yet I somehow thrive off of social interaction, I love to hang out and nerd with my friends (yes I use that as a verb), I love to go out to bars and clubs, accompanied, or alone to meet new people or just unwind and enjoy the music and the small escape from the everyday.

I’m very strange and unpredictable. If there’s anything people who know me love about me, that’s got to be it. I also love to make my friends laugh. Usually it’s by being completely and totally cheesy. Any time anyone tells a facepalm-worthy joke in my group, it is instantly met with a swift accusation of the perpetrator having spent too much time around me, along with, of course, a healthy dose of laughter. They’re usually just that perfect amount of cheesy. I’d love to be able to give an example, but these things really just have to happen, otherwhise it’d just be cheesy… … of course it’s already cheesy to begin with, so I suppose that would just make it double cheesy… like I like my pizzas. :D fact, and I do love pizzas, and OMG WINGS. In case you can’t tell by this point, I’m also completely subject to the wikipedia effect: my train of thought and conversation is subject to jump straight off the tracks at any time, without warning, or slowly progress by seeminly logical segues to a completely different place than it started at, leaving me wondering how it even got there, but it’s fun :)

Past what I enjoy, and what I do, I’m a very different kind of guy then most people are used to; Many times my friends tell me I should have just been born a lesbian. My mannerisms can be described at times as quite feminine… Scratch that, my closest friends call me a total girl. I love the sweet things in a relationship, spending time together being best friends, and lovers. I’ll be there for you if you need to break down, and I’ll give my all to help you through it, that’s something I give to all my friends, but in return, I may need a shoulder every now and then too. I take pride in my appearance. If there’s one compliment I consistantly get (other than my hairstyle choices always being interesting) It is that I’m apparently “a beautiful man”. I take it with a grain of salt, but it’s one of the best compliments I can get, and I enjoy it that way. If I want to don some manscara, or wear something with rhinestones, I’ll do it, and I don’t care what people think of it, and I think it shows; I can get away with being inordinantly “pretty” sometimes, and I like it that way. Sure, I’d like to put on some weight, and that’s why I go to the gym, but if I’m at least slender all my life, it’s because I prefer it that way. If you prefer that kind of guy, then you’ll love me. Some think it kind of clashes with my taste in women; I like a healthy bit of muscle on my girls, which some people find quite strange, but it’s something I can’t really change. Then again, girls liking scrawny guys seems weird too, and it occaisionally happens to me obviously, and they say that opposites attract, so I’m sure the right person in that department is probably just waiting for me somewhere.

Megjelenés és helyzete

1.88 m
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Családi állapotom  
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Vannak gyerekeim  
Szeretnék gyerekeket  
Nem biztos benne
Az amire büszke vagyok:  
Átfúrt ... de csak a füle(i)m
Hajam színe:  
Nincs háziállat


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Ez évi bevételem  
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Gyakran látogatnak meg a barátaim
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A középiskolában  
Szociális magatartásom:  
Szégyenlős, Komikus, Furcsa
Művészet és kézművesség, Filmek, Internet, Játékok, Szórakozás, Clubbing
Tökéletes szórakozás?  
Barátkozás, Bevásárlás, Clubbing / Bárok, Alkoholizálás, Számítógépes játékok, Koncert
A tökéletes első randi így néz ki számomra:  
Anything fun.
Mindig kipróbáltam volna a(z)  
Not sure. Won't know till I try whatever it is.
Így látnak barátaim:  
Barátságos, Trollnak, Királyinak, Ostobának, Flörtölőnek


Vallási nézeteim:  
Részt veszek a vallási szertartásokon:  
Hetente egyszer
What am I doing with my life? Living it I suppose. My schooling in Graphic design has had to take a slight backseat to my job at the moment; Things are just like that sometimes, but the nice thing is that I enjoy my job, and my major is one of those where talent can easily substitute for a degree if there’s enough of it. Not sure how much I really want to do art as a career anymore, sometimes I feel like it may take a lot of the enjoyment out of it, but in any case, I’m living for the now. I just want to have fun with this part of my life while I’m still young, and save up to get and do all the things I want to be able to enjoy while I’m still young enough to enjoy them; Like spending time with friends, having a deep, connected, exclusive relationship with someone who finds me just as amazing as I find them, doing all the artwork I want to do, maybe playing in a small time (even cover) band for just a few shows, and getting to drive an old Trans Am XD.
Szarkasztikus, Ostobának


Mit nézek?  
Rajzfilmek, Dokumentumfilm, Komédia
Mit nézek a moziban?  
Tudományos fantasztikum
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a  
Rock, Metal, Elektronikus, Pop, Új Kor, Hangulat zene, Dance, Folk, Punk
Mit olvasok?  
Komikus, Fikció, Politikai, Szatírák, Tudományos fantasztikum
Mit jelent a szórakozás a részemre:  
I love to perform; I may not always be the best at everything I do, but I have fun. I love to sing; I do karaoke whenever I get the chance. You can usually find me at Gutter Lounge, Seville, or Hub Stacy’s depending on the day of the week, belting out whatever strikes my fancy that evening, I don’t know exactly what it is about singing, it’s just so much fun. I suppose a lot of it just has to do with how music really embodies who we are as people. When I sing, I feel like I get to become a part of the story, lend my own experiences and state of being to the song. There’s really no better emotional outlet, in my opinion, and it feels great at the end of the song to know I’m entertaining people; it’s just awesome. I also love to play bass and guitar. I don’t have a band, don’t really have the time or enough interested people to do anything, but I just enjoy playing along to the music I love. It gives a real sense of accomplishment to teach myself how to play along with my favorite songs.


Mit tart vonzónak?  
Tudás, Jó kinézet, Érzékenység, Merészség, Hatalom, Flörtölős
Mi után kutat?  
Internet társ, Barát, Dátum, Intim kapcsolat, Elkötelezettség